Friday, May 10, 2013

FGS: Failing Geometry Syndrome

I hate Geometry with a burning passion of a thousand suns. Having to prove a triangle is a triangle even though it has three sides and basically cannot be any other freaking shape. Or having to find the circumference of a circle because one day we are going to need it to measure the perimeter of our pizza. Honestly, I have no intention of becoming either an architect or a geometry teacher or any job that involves shapes and logic, so why oh why do I have to take this subject? And since I'm no way going to use geometry in my life, why must I memorize these theorems, postulates? Sometimes I imagine geometry as a person and me punching it 20 billion times.

 What makes me even more outraged is how geometry is never straight forward. Like you have to assume the opposite of the proof to prove it's right? What the heck? Why can't we all just accept it's a triangle and move on with our lives. But if you assume something because you think you should, you're most likely wrong, because you can't just assume things. Geometry. Is. A. Contradiction.

So as you sit here on your computer laughing at this rant, just remember there are millions of high school students out there suffering from FGS, Failing Geometry Syndrome. But together we can make a difference, and help these children suffering the boring and contradicting subject that is geometry.

1 comment:

  1. lol, liking the last paragraph there. And in the first sentence of the second paragraph, it's outraged. Missed a D there, lol, the D...
    Biology, wow.
